Host a Lights Out Heartland Event

Hosting a Lights Out event is easy.
DarkSky Missouri Board Member Jake Ronecker speaks to visitors at the Saint Louis Science Center in St. Louis.
Outreach programs are a great way to raise awareness of light pollution's impact on migrating birds.

Host a Lights Out Heartland Event

We can help you with hosting your own Lights Out Heartland event.  It could be as simple as a display table at a festival or a program where you present to an audience.  We have examples of flyers and presentations that we can share with you.

Mention Lights Out Heartland in an Existing Event

If you already have an event planned, why not add a mention of the Lights Out Heartland program to your audience.  In a pinch, a few slides will do. 

Request a Program or Speaker

Do you want more?  You can request one of our volunteers to deliver a program to you audience. 

Our Goal

Turn lights out during bird migration to help birds travel safe.

LEARN MORE: Scientific evidence suggests that artificial light at night has negative and deadly effects on many creatures including amphibians, birds, mammals, insects and plants. Learn more at or